Who We Are

We are a vibrant community, dedicated to championing conservative values and fostering a strong sense of civic duty.  As an organization, we firmly believe in the principles of limited government, individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense.  At The Rockaway Republican Club, we embrace diversity of thought and encourage robust discussions on policy matters. 

As advocates for responsible government, we prioritize education and awareness of conservative principles.  Through informative events, guest speakers, and policy workshops, we strive to equip our members with the knowledge and tools necessary to advocate for conservative values in their communities. 

Whether you're a long-time conservative or exploring conservative principles for the first time, The Rockaway Republican Club welcomes you to join our passionate community. Together, we can uphold the core tenets of conservatism and work towards a better future for America. Join us today and be part of a movement dedicated to preserving our American values and advancing the principles that make America strong.

What We Do

Uniting a Stronger Future

The Rockaway Republican Club engages in a variety of activities and initiatives aimed at advancing conservative principles and fostering civic participation within our community. 

Here are some of the things we do:

Political Education:  We organize educational events, and workshops to promote a deeper understanding of conservative principles, policy issues, and the political process. 

Grassroots Organizing: We believe in the power of grassroots movements.  RRC actively engages in local grassroots efforts, such as door-to-door campaigns, phone banking, issue awareness and to mobilize support for Republican candidates and conservative causes. 

Community Outreach: We are committed to making a positive impact on our community.  Through volunteer activities, service projects, and partnerships with local organizations, we work to address the needs of our community. promote conservative values and build strong relationships with our fellow Americans. 

Voter Registration and Get-Out-The-Vote: We recognize the importance of active participation in the democratic process. Our club organizes voter registration , hosts candidate forums, and conducts get-out-the-vote initiatives to encourage eligible voters to exercise their right to vote and make informed decisions at the ballot box.  

Networking and Social Events: We provide opportunities for like-minded individuals to connect, network, and build relationships within the local Republican community.

Campaign Support: We actively support Republican candidates running for local, state, and national offices. Our club members volunteer for campaigns, assist with funding efforts and engage ini grassroots campaigning to help elect leaders who uphold our values.